NITTAN Corporation | Challenge Creation Speed

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The Company has developed as a business group which manufactures and sells mainly engine valves, based on the core technology, such as forging and metallic processing.

Small Engine Valve Business

Our engine valves are mainly for engines in automobiles, two wheels (motorcycles and scooters), trucks, and buses. We also manufacture and sell our engine valves for general-purpose products (generators, tillers, mowers, etc.) In addition to the two plants in Japan, eight facilities overseas supply our global business for small engine valves.

Marine Business

We manufacture engine valves for marine and general-purpose products (large generators, etc.) in Japan and South Korea for engine manufacturing customers.

Gear Business

We manufacture and sell precision forged gears, parts for automatic transmission in Japan for automobiles, trucks, agricultural, construction, and industrial machinery.

PBW Business

We manufacture automobile parking brake parts domestically, and sell them to our clients, automobile parts manufacturers. This is the business which started mass production in 2017.

Other Business

We manufacture valve lifters and roller rocker arms, parts of the mechanism for operating the small engine valve, in our group companies in South Korea and China (Beijing/Shandong Province), and sell them to the automobile manufacturers mainly in South Korea, China and Japan.

We manufacture machine tools, and sell them mainly to production sites of small engine valves in our group.